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9Â years, 2Â months ago
9Â years, 2Â months ago
Driver spend 30 rupees on trip and makes 20 percent profit then he /she earns 36 rupees due to which he/ she earns 12 ruppes/passenger ,now he/she has 4 passenger then he/she earns 48 rupees(12/passenger) and spend only Rs 24 so profit equal to 24 and percentage is 100 percent
9Â years, 2Â months ago
Hi Swaroop,
The flaw in your solution is that when you consider the second case, since 4 persons are travelling in an auto, so the fuel consumed is also increasing. It would be 4/3 litres = Rs 32
Profit = 16/32*100 = 50
9Â years, 2Â months ago
I don't know the answer. Someone, Please help with this
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