Question 61

In a certain code language, ‘3a, 2b, 7c’ means ‘Truth is Eternal’, ‘7c, 9a, 8b, 3a’ means ‘Enmity is not Eternal’ and ‘9a, 4d, 2b, 8b’ means ‘Truth does not perish’. Which of the following means ‘Enmity’ in that language?


‘3a, 2b, 7c’ means ‘Truth is Eternal’

‘7c, 9a, 8b, 3a’ means ‘Enmity is not Eternal’

‘9a, 4d, 2b, 8b’ means ‘Truth does not perish’.

Eternal= 7c

is = 3a

not = 9a

'Enmity’ in that language 8b

Option C

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