HCF(Highest Common Factor) of the given numbers can exactly divide 192, 1056 and 1584. That number will be the greatest number.
For HCF, first, we need to obtain the factors of the given numbers.
192 =Â $$2\times\ 2\times\ 2\times2\times\ 2\times\ 2\ \times\ 3$$
1056 =Â $$2\times2\times\ 2\times2\times2\times3\times11$$
1584 =Â $$2\times2\times\ 2\times2\times3\times3\times11$$
So the HCF of (192, 1056 and 1584) =Â $$2\times2\times2\times2\times3$$
= 48
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