Question 147

In Karian village, truth-tellers always tell the truth and liars always tell lies. Harish approached three villagers, Hiri, Lange and Pora, and asked who among them was the liar.
Following were their replies:
Hiri: I always speak the truth.
Lange: Hiri does not speak the truth.
Pora: Lange does not tell lies.
If one of them is a liar but the other two tell the truth, who among them is the liar?


Let us assume Lange is the Liar => The other two are truthful. But Pora's statement is a lie => Contradiction => Lange is not the Liar.

Let us assume Pora is the Liar => The other two are truthful.  But Lange's statement is a lie => Contradiction => Pora is not the Liar.

=> When Hiri is the liar, we don't find any contradictions in the statements of the 3 people=> Hiri is the Liar.


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