Question 146

The JKF party was selecting the campaigning team that would manage their campaign during the coming elections. The team is to include two spokespersons, two content writers and two digital managers. The spokespersons may be chosen from Abhay, Bharti, Chhavi and Dhairya; the content writers may be chosen from Eklavya, Farah and Gauri; and the digital managers may be selected from Himanshu, Isha, Jayanti and Keshav.

The following conditions need to be kept in mind before selecting the team:
(i) Neither Farah nor Jayanti can be selected if Abhay is selected.
(ii) If Chhavi is selected, then Jayanti is definitely selected.
(iii) Himanshu and Keshav will always be selected together.
(iv) Isha and Keshav will never be selected together.
Which combination is acceptable?


We will check each option and try to find any condition that makes it invalid; otherwise, that option can't be the answer.

The answer will be the option in which none of the conditions are invalid.

Option A)Ā Chhavi, Dhairya, Eklavya, Gauri, Farah, Isha

We know from statementĀ 2 that if Chhavi is selected, then Jayanti is definitely selected. But here, Jayanti is not selected, so this is incorrect.

Option B)Ā Abhay, Bharti, Eklavya, Gauri, Isha, Keshav

We know from statement 3 thatĀ Himanshu and Keshav will always be selected together. But here, only Keshav is selected. Hence, this is incorrect.

Option C)Ā Abhay, Bharti, Eklavya, Farah, Himanshu, Isha

We know from statement 3 that Himanshu and Keshav will always be selected together. But here, only Himanshu is selected. Hence, this is incorrect.

Option D)Ā Bharti, Chhavi, Eklavya, Farah, Jayanti, Isha

All conditions are satisfied in this option.

Thus, Option D) is the correct answer.


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