
Study the following graph for answer these questions.

The bar graph shows the performance of 3 political parties A, B and C in terms of votes acquired in the elections in a constituency during 2012- 2016

Question 146

By what percent is the average number of votes acquired by B more/less than that of A during 2012-2016?


In calculating the average number of votes by the same number (5), we can solve the question using the raw value of total votes as well. 

We need to add up the total number of votes of A and B for years 2012-2016. 


Party B acquired 2.4 (lakh) votes more than party A. 
This, as a percentage, would be $$\frac{2.4}{15.9}\times\ 100\approx\ 15\%$$

Therefore, Option D is the correct answer. 


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