Question 144

A box has apples and oranges. $$\frac{2}{3}$$ of all the apples and $$\frac{3}{4}$$ of all the oranges are rotten The number of rotton apples equals the number of rotton oranges. What fraction of the total number of fruits in the box is rotton ?


Let number of apples = $$3x$$ and number of oranges = $$4y$$

=> Number of rotten apples = Number of rotten oranges

=> $$2x=3y$$

=> $$\frac{x}{y}=\frac{3}{2}$$

Let $$x=3$$ and $$y=2$$

=> Fraction of rotten fruits = $$\frac{2x+3y}{3x+4y}$$

= $$\frac{2(3)+3(2)}{3(3)+4(2)}$$

= $$\frac{12}{17}$$

=> Ans - (A)


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