When 2388, 4309 and 8151 are divided by a certain 3-digit number, the remainder in each case is the same. The remainder is:
Given that the number 2388, 4309, 8151Â
then 4309 - 2388 = 1921 = $$ 17 \times 113 $$
8151- 4309 = 3842 = $$ 2 \times 17 \times 113$$
Again 8151 - 2388 = 5766 = $$ 3 \times 17 \times 113 $$
HCF = $$ 17 \times 113 $$Â
Thus, $$\dfrac{2388}{113} = (Reminder = 15)$$
$$\dfrac {4309}{113} = (Reminder = 15)$$
$$\dfrac {8151}{113} = (Reminder = 15)$$
Then our Ans = 15Â
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