
Study the following graph to answer these questions.

The following bar graph shows the revenue generated by three realty firms A, B and C during 2012 to 2016. Each of these firms builds Low Income Group (LIG) apartments, Middle Income Group (MIG) apartments and High Income Group (HIG) apartments.

Question 134

If the profit earned by A in 2015 is $$\dfrac{1}{6}th$$ of the average of the revenues of A in 2015, B in 2013 and C in 2012, the investment of A in 2015 is ..........


The revenue of A in 2015, B in 2013 and C in 2012 is 3678, 5070, 3870 crores, respectively.

So, the average is $$\dfrac{3678+5070+3870}{3}=4206$$

Given that the profit earned by A in 2015 is $$\dfrac{1}{6}th$$ of this average i.e.

$$\dfrac{4206}{6}=701$$ crores

So, the Investment = Revenue - Profit

or, Investment = 3678 - 701 = 2977 crores.


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