
Study the information below and answer these questions.

The adult population of a town in 1990 was 20440 people of which 53% were females while 60% were illiterates. Of these, the number above the age of 50 in that year was 17%. In the 2000 Census, it was found that adult population has reached 30760, 48% of them being females. Of the total adult population in 2000, 72% were below the age of 50 and total illiterates were 7000. Assume uniform pattern of age distribution amongst males and females.

Question 109

What has been the percentage increase in adult literates from 1990 to 2000?


Total number of adult literates in 1990 = 8176

Total number of adult literates in 2000 = 23760

Percentage increase = $$\frac{23760 - 8176}{8176} \times 100$$

= $$\frac{1558400}{8176} = 190.60 = 191$$% (approx)

Hence, option B is the correct answer.

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