Question 108

A, B, C and D purchased a restaurant for Rs. 56 lakhs. The contribution of B, C and D together is 460% that of A, alone. The contribution of A, C and D together is 366.66% that of B’s contribution and the contribution of C is 40% that of A, B and D together. The amount contributed by D is:


A+B+C+D = 56  -- Eq 1

B+C+D = 4.6A   -- Eq 2
A+C+D = $$\ \ \frac{11B}{3}$$   --- Eq 3

A+B+D = 2.5C  --Eq 4

Using Eq 1 and 2, we get A = 10

Using Eq 1 and 4, we get C = 16

Using Eq 1 and 3, we get B = 12

On substituting the values of A, B, C in Eq 1, we get D = 18

D is the correct answer.

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