XAT Cutoff's 2025, Expected And Previous Year Cutoff's

by Pankaj Singh Thu 06 Jun 2024 04:37 PM 15

XAT Cutoffs 2025: The Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) is one of India's most prestigious management entry tests, administered by XLRI Jamshedpur. Aspiring management students take this exam to get admission to some of the country's top business institutions. One of the most important components of XAT is the cutoffs, which define candidates' eligibility for subsequent selection processes at various institutes.

Cutoffs are the minimum scores that candidates must attain to advance to the next stage of the admissions process. Each year, these scores change depending on a number of factors, including the exam's difficulty level, the number of candidates that appear, and the general performance of the test-takers.

Factors Affecting XAT Cutoffs:

  • Difficulty Exam Level: A more difficult paper typically results in lower cutoffs, whilst an easier paper results in higher cutoffs.
  • Number of Candidates: Increased competition can raise cutoffs.
  • Performance Trends: The overall performance of candidates each year influences the setting of cutoffs.
  • Institutional requirements: Different business schools have different cutoff requirements based on their selection criteria.

Understanding these factors can help candidates set realistic score targets and prepare accordingly.

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XAT Cutoffs 2025

Candidates can improve their chances of admission to their selected institutes by fully comprehending the significance of cutoffs.

The XAT 2025 cutoffs are predicted by analysing historical data, current trends, and expert perspectives. Based on these considerations, candidates can expect the cutoffs to be in the following ranges:

Overall Cutoffs:

  • XLRI BM: 95.5 - 96 percentile
  • XLRI HRM: 94 - 95 percentile

Other Top B-Schools: 88 - 92 percentile

Section-wise Cutoffs:

  • Verbal and Logical Ability: 75 - 80 percentile
  • Decision Making: 70 - 75 percentile
  • Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation: 75 - 80 percentile

XAT Cutoffs 2025 by Category

After the XAT result 2025 is released, candidates can check the official XAT 2025 cut off for admission to PGDM BM and PGDM HRM courses. The XAT cut-off score varies by programme and category.

XAT Expected Cut Off 2025
Male Engineering96.595.5
Female Engineering9291.5
Male Non-Engineering95.594
Female Non-Engineering9089
The scores and cutoffs mentioned above are purely indicative in nature. In order to get exact scores and percentiles, students have to wait for the calls.

These scores are mere benchmarks. The aspirants should ideally aim for scores higher than these.

XAT Cutoffs 2024

The table below shows the cutoffs for Business Management -

Candidates CategoryOverallVARCQADM
Male Engineers96838685
Female Engineers91808180
Male Non-Engineers95838586
Female Non-Engineers90808081

The table below shows the cutoffs for Human Resource Management -

Candidates CategoryOverallVARCQADM
Male Engineers95908085
Female Engineers90857378
Male Non-Engineers93907585
Female Non-Engineers88856878

XAT 2025 Cutoffs - Impact of Admissions

XAT cutoffs are important in the admissions process of several business schools. They act as the first filtering criteria, determining which candidates proceed on to the next phases, which include group discussions, personal interviews, and written ability assessments.

  • Cutoffs play an important role in admissions since they ensure that only candidates who meet a specific academic threshold are considered for further review, hence ensuring the intake's quality.
  • Influence on Candidate Shortlisting: Higher cutoffs can be difficult, but they also motivate candidates to improve, ensuring that only the best are considered for elite B-schools.

XAT 2025 - Tips for Candidates

  1. Understand the requirements: Examine the cutoff patterns at your target B-schools.
  2. Balanced Preparation: Prioritize all parts equally, as sectional cutoffs are as important.
  3. Mock Tests: Regular preparation with mock tests might help you comprehend the exam format and improve your time management skills.

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Preparing for XAT 2025

Meeting the projected cutoffs for XAT 2025 demands a systematic approach to preparation. Here are a few key strategies:

  • Consistent Practice: Regular practice with sample papers and previous years' question papers and PYQs - Past Year Questions.
  • Mock exams are full-length tests that mirror the actual exam atmosphere.
  • Time Management: Developing effective time management skills to deal with exam pressure. Considering that there is no sectional time limit, students can get carried away.
  • Focus on Weak Areas: Identifying and improving weak areas through concentrated practice and research. At least make sure that you can comfortably clear your sectional cutoffs incase of your weak section. You can compensate for you weak section by scoring high marks in your strong section. XAT Mock Tests can help you identify your weak areas, so give the XAT mock now by clicking on the button below.

A well-rounded preparation method can considerably improve applicants' confidence and performance, allowing them to achieve or exceed projected cutoffs.


Understanding and aiming for XAT cutoffs is an important component of the preparation process for prospective management students. Candidates can improve their chances of success by analyzing previous trends, forecasting future cutoff dates, and implementing effective preparation tactics. As XAT 2025 approaches, remaining aware and prepared will be critical to attaining the appropriate scores and gaining admission to top business schools. Best wishes to all aspirants!

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