SSC MTS 13th August 2019 Shift-1


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 51

Pipe A can fill a tank in 36 minutes and Pipe B can empty the tank in 45 minutes. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously, then the time (in hours) to fill the tank to half of its capacity is:

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Question 52

The Table shows the number of candidates appearing for an interview for a post in six Banks (H, I, J, K, L, M) and percentage of qualifying candidates.

The number of candidates who did not qualify in bank K was approximately what percent(correct to nearest integer) of the candidates who did not qualify in bank I?

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Question 53

If $$4A = 6B = 5C$$; then $$A : B : C$$ is:

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Question 54

A train travelling at the speed of 108 km/h crosses a pole in 32 seconds. The length (in m) of the train is:

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Question 55

If LCM of two numbers is 231, HCF of two numbers is 11 and one number is 77, the other number is:

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Question 56

Five years ago, the average age of four girls, was 7 years. A new girl is included then the average present age becomes 13 years. The present age of the new girl is:

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Question 57

Seventy-eight is divided into two parts such that four times the first part and five times the second part are in the ratio 14 : 15. The first part is:

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Question 58

The length, breadth and height of a cuboid are 18 cm, 24 cm and 4 cm respectively. The volume of cube is equal to the volume of given cuboid. The side of the cube is:

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Question 59

A man is walking at a speed of 12 km per hour. After every kilometre, he takes rest for 4 minutes. How much time(in minutes) will he take to cover a distance of 8 kilometres?

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Question 60

The median of the given data $$\frac{1}{2}, \frac{2}{7}, \frac{3}{4}, \frac{1}{3}, \frac{5}{8}$$ is:

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