SSC MTS 2019 Question Paper Shift 1 (Aug 13th)


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 41

The statements below are followed by two conclusions labelled I and II. Assuming that the information in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at variance with generally established facts, decide which conclusion(s)logically and definitely follow(s) from the information given in the statements.
I. Some cups are glasses.
II. No plate is cup as well as glass.
I. Some cups are plates.
II. All glasses are not plates.

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Question 42

If the two signs, ' $$\div$$ and $$\times$$' and two numbers '2 and 8' are interchanged, then what will be the value of the following equation?
$$4 \times 8 \div 2 = ?$$

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Question 43

Compare the salary of employees B, R, G, A, and M in relation to each other:
M gets more salary than A and G.
R’s salary is less than three persons.
B’s salary is the lowest.
Whose salary is the second-lowest?

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Question 44

Find out the two signsto be interchanged for making following equation correct:
$$6 \div 5 + 12 \times 4 - 7 = 26$$

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Question 45

Select the set of classes that best represents the given Venn diagram.

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Question 46

‘Candle’ is related to ‘Wick’ in the same way as ‘Pen’ is related to ‘...............’

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Question 47

If '"LEMON' is coded as 'NCOMP'’, then 'MANGO' is coded as ..............

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Question 48

Select the option that is related to the fourth term in the same way as the first term is related to the second term.
16 : 272 :: ? : 380

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Question 49

Which letter will replace the question mark (?) in the following series?

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Question 50

Read the given statement and conclusions carefully and decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statement.
Sama Veda is believed to be written around 200 BC.
I. Sama Veda is one of the oldest books in history.
II. Sama Veda is the oldest book in history.

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