PH concentration to that of water is given bellow. Water has PH of 7. Liquid PH H2SO4 2 HCL 2.5 NaOH 12 H2O 7 MnOH 8.5 CuSO4 7 Neutralize a mixture means bringing to PH of 7. PH of a mixture is weighted average of the PH of the components (liquid) present in the mixture. H2SO4, HCL are acids. NaOH, MNOH are bases and Cuso, is a salt. If I have to select atleast one acid, one base and one salt in denominations of one litre each, what is the minimum number of litres required if we need to get a neutral solution? a) 4 litres b) 5 litres c) 6 litres d) None of these.