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2Â years ago
2Â years ago
Wow same score! ( for me it is 75,77,90 (QA,LR, LS). You should get a call, just watch out for QA cutoffs.
2Â years ago
I've scored 231 in NMAT- 71 QA, 79 LR, 81 VA. Any chance of NM Mumbai?
2Â years ago
For me the score was 243(QS-73,LR-90-LS-80) looking at everyone's score and analyzing it i guess you will be able to get calls from NMIMS Mumbai clearing the sectional cut offs
2Â years ago
You'll get a call most probably. I've also taken NMAT exam this year. I've scored 244(QS-73, LS-89, LR-82). So I keep looking at the trend as to what scores others are getting. And from my own analysis I can say that you will be able to clear the cutoffs for NM Mumbai. Good luck!