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3 months, 4 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
cracku varc mocks are tougher than the actual CAT tests. Most passages in CAT are between 500-550 words. In cracku mocks there are multiple passages in each tests which have more than 600 words which makes it difficult. Even the para summaries and parajumbles have more words than similar questions in a cat exam. Options are more difficult to eliminate because of the option setting. So if you are able to complete 15-20 questions with a score of 20-30 you are set for a score of 25-40 in the actual cat exam
3 months, 3 weeks ago
CL mocks are very easy compared to Cracku,
The options in CL mocks can be eliminated easily, but Cracku mocks are on the tougher side. Even though you can eliminate two options, selecting the right answer from the remaining two is very tough.
There are several easy questions in CL mocks, but Craacku mocks have hardly one or two easy questions, also the Verbal ability is adamant compared to CL
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Cracku VARC mocks are not easy
They are predominantly on medium to difficult range because of their option setting
Just get an understanding of how passages can be and learn whatever you can
3 months, 3 weeks ago
dont give mocks now
this will only dent ur confidence
if u have to give mock go for pyqs
i scores 25-30 in cracku but in ims my avg is around 35-40 in varc
so dont take these mocks seriously
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