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2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
Hi Nikhil,
There could be multiple reasons behind your low mock scores. It is imperative to note that learning the necessary concepts does not sufficiently promise good scores; you need to couple your learning with practice. Constantly giving practise tests alongside concept revisions might help you reinforce your learning. Furthermore, sectionals are a good way to boost scores since they are generally less tiring than a mock but allow you to plot your improvement in the individual sections with relative ease. This will enable you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and subsequently work on them. While I understand that poor mock scores could be disheartening, do not let it hinder you from following a fixed (perhaps rigorous) mock-taking schedule. Keep at it! Give a mock, analyse thoroughly, remodel your strategy and repeat. Over time, you will surely reap the benefits. On a related note, it's quite possible that your fear of faring poorly in the mock becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: you end up scoring poorly because you were already afraid and not confident enough about your strategy. Having the right outlook is also critical to scoring well. I hope this helps!
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