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2Â years, 3Â months ago
2Â years, 3Â months ago
I can get it buddy. Scored 55 last year with just 3 months study of 3 hrs a day. This year only 50 marks. Completely messed Quants. But I am confident of cracking SNAP, XAT and IIFT. Believe in yourself that's it.
2Â years, 3Â months ago
Atleast you guys got a chance to give exam without any hinderance. I prepared for 6 months ,studying for 6-7 hours everyday (as I am a medical student and not in touch with quants from past 6 years) but my CAT experience is still giving me goosefleshes whenever I am thinking about it. Located at very good reputed central university affilated engineering college ,I faced contineously blinking of the screen, a mouse which had no scroll down button at my centre.Icing on the cake was the moment when my pc got stuck for straight 30 mins without stoppage of timer. I don't even have guts to look at my response sheet or any content related to CAT. Even while typing this down ,I am shivering .
2Â years, 3Â months ago
Pretty fucked up how the cat does that. I studied a whole year almost last year for a 1%ile in 2021 increase compared to 2020 where I didn't study for 2 sections. This year I know I did much better but I'm not even going to pressure myself checking answer sheets and just wait for finals.
2Â years, 3Â months ago
Take Care Buddy, I can feel the pain, though no amount of words will make u feel better but I believe all your hardwork and efforts will surely make you successful one day.
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