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1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
As cathartic as it felt to score 95.61%ile myself on the same mock, one thing that I can tell you is that it's probably people performing not that great there. I mean, my quant attempt was embarrassing to say the least; but the percentile was impressive lol. Point being, I don't think it's the greatest tool for evaluating the whole situation for your preparation going further, take more mocks, you'll start getting a better idea.
1 year, 5 months ago
The people participating in free mock is just 10-15% of the people appearing for CAT this year and for premium mocks its not even 1% . So the mocks figures might be deceiving; in my opinion, do use these mocks by Cracku to get an experience of the exam environment and make strategies accordingly. Best wishes!!!
1 year, 5 months ago
give more mocks and then get a more accurate picture of the situation giving one mocks isn't a good sample size to judge
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