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5 months, 2 weeks ago
5 months, 2 weeks ago
CAT in less than 2 months. Forget syllabus. Carry what you have learned. Make it better rather than focusing on new topics. And start giving mocks. There are so many free mocks available. Go for it. Test yourself.
5 months, 2 weeks ago
hey even some non engineers had able to secure good percentile around two months...if u looking for assurity whether u would be getting ...please dont go searching for answers instead put ur full effort for two months like a challenge ...study from basics to advanced whichever topic you feel comfortable and give ur best shot at it...i hope this would give u some motivation ....Yes ur mocks are also important because from mocks u not only learn things but also u will get an idea of strategizing things...so take atleast 10 mocks that gives u glimpse of understanding about how to tackle ur weakness...dont put too much pressure on marks...instead focus to learn a lot...All the best for ur 60 days challenge
5 months, 2 weeks ago
I thinks mocks are a bit over-rated. Think about it - u have not yet completed the syllabus and if u give mock tests then there is a possibility that u r score might be negative. So, there is no point of giving mocks. This will also have a huge impact on u r confidence. I would suggest u to first complete Arithmetic, Algebra and geometry as soon as possible along with 4 rc and 4 sets of dilr everyday. After some 15 to 20 days u should give mocks and give one or two sectionals of each, every week. And solve pyqs. If i m being honest then 99 percentile from here is..... very very difficult. Only people who have prepared for jee (seriously) are capable of that. But, u can still score 90+ if u put in the effort or maybe 95 percentile.
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