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3Â years, 9Â months ago
3Â years, 9Â months ago
Hello rahul I can understand what you are going through right now as I am also facing the same thing but one thing I always kept in my mind time come for everyone and no one is left behind there is no race and people are running according to their speed and it's totally normal if one could not do well in exam but that does not mean that you loose hope you have to be positive and be patient everyone are facing same. Keep calm and stay away from negative people Only surround yourself with positive people and make yourself prepare for next exam. Don't sit idle pick a hobby things which you like , try reading good books may be you can try Bagwat Geeta it really helped me alot. If possible stay away from toxic social media and go meet people in real and interact them. Love yourself and keep in mind you are not alone everyone going through same. Life is beautiful keep working on yourself you will never face any problem while studying. Hope this helps :)
3Â years, 9Â months ago
There wasn't enough time i was down to two options P and S(i guess it was) in the set with 6 questions so i counted on my luck and marked every question taking P as the final answer in the set without checking if that case was possible. It was not . Had i taken S my entire set would have been correct and i wouldn't be online on cracku right now. What helped me :
1.Realize there are no just by a fraction in this exam either you hit it or it's a mile.You are aiming for the top percentiles so it's given there isn't much room for error. 1mistake is enough.It wasn't a close call i need to be more accurate .
2.I read Geeta too after that in December and Meditations,tao te ching.Helped me a lot. I visited places that makes me feel small compared to all of galaxies and existence in general and reminds me there is so much more to life than the problems i am worried about for the brief moment i am here. Watch stoic philosophy videos on youtube if you can't read books right now.
3.Ultimately you have to realize you have the priviledge you have in being given the chance to UNdo your mistake. The fact that you have another shot because you don't have to give up spending one year because you have a family to feed .
Your mistake won't matter.
It wasn't "just" you had wat pi to clear and HALF of the people get rejected, there are people who didn't get into IIM because they were waitlisted no.1,They only needed one person to bail out from that IIM and that didn't happen.Look at it with perspective and do what so many are trying to do here NOT GIVE UP HOPE. :)
3Â years, 9Â months ago
thank you guys , am going to start preparing from tomm.
3Â years, 9Â months ago
Hello Raahul,
CAT 2020 happened and it is over. I understand the frustration of missing by a small margin, but it is okay. Everything is not lost and you have time and hope to try again and give it your best shot. If you can't focus on cat right now, take some time off and pursue some hobbies or travel. You should get everything negative out of your system, even meditation will really help calm your mind. Start preparing after you feel refreshed, just do it when you are ready. It is your life and your pace ,only you can push yourself. So press the reset button on last year and refresh for this one. You will definitely get the result and outcome you desire.
Best of luck bro
3Â years, 9Â months ago
I find myself in the same boat as yours, I have had retrospected many times about what I would have done and what I could have left but maybe it's a chance when life tells you that you deserve better. So lets just forget what happened. And brace ourself for this year. CAT'21 It is bro.
3Â years, 9Â months ago
watch the video titled "a chaiwale earns more money than an MBA".That should give you much-needed inspiration.
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