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8 years, 11 months ago
8 years, 11 months ago
Important points to note:
Main point of the paragraph: Read all sentences. Try to understand what is the main point of the paragraph. Find the sentence where the subject of the paragraph - person, event or idea is first introduced. This sentence is likely to be the first sentence or would at least be in the first few sentences.
Try to find verbal connectives: Verbal connectives like but, on the other hand, nevertheless etc provide important clues regarding the paragraph. If you find a negative connective like but, nevertheless etc find the idea being rejected in that statement. The line that states this idea would immediately precede this line. However, a note of caution : Some paragraphs can begin with connectives like However, but etc.
Try to find logical connectives: When a statement lists two reasons, or two concerns or any enumeration of this sort find the the two sentences with the reasons. These sentences should follow the line.
Analogies: If an analogy is given it should precede the real life example. For example if the author states that when a stone is dropped in water, its ripples are felt for some time after the event. If there is a sentence which gives the example of how we are still feeling the ripples of a great event, this line with the real life example must be after the line with the analogy
Definition of subject: Find lines where pronouns like he, it are used. They should immediately follow lines where this noun is defined.
How to prepare for Para Jumbles:
Practice, practice, practice!: A student can improve a lot in para jumbles by practicing. You get used to the process of looking for connectives and joining different threads together into a coherent chain of thought
Read: The skills used in Para Jumbles are the same as the skills used in Reading Comprehension. Therefore you should get into the habit of reading everyday. Read opinion articles in any of the major dailies. Analyze the information given in them and summarize each paragraph