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8 years, 8 months ago
How to exactly distinguish between 'Descriptive' 'Narrative' 'Analytical' 'Argumentative' 'Critical' 'Neutral' while suggesting the tone of the passage?
8 years, 8 months ago
The descriptive passages just explain a particular situation in detail. The author does not present his own views and does not go into the how and why things.
In narrative passages, the author narrates a story as a third person and is not involved in the happenings of the passage. In this also, the author refrains from going into the analysis of the situations.
Analytical passages are the passages where author analyzes an issue. He explores the reasons and also suggests solutions.
Critical passages are also similar to analytical passages but in critical passages the author examines the issue critically.
Argumentative passages are passages where the author presents various arguments in support of his views.
Neutral passages are those where author does not take a stand and describes both the pros and cons of a situation.