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8 years, 6 months ago
8 years, 4 months ago
Hi Abhishek,
The amount of practice that is needed for DI or any other section varies from person to person. A good way of figuring out how much percentage of time you need to allot for a particular section is by analysing how well you are performing in that section in the mock tests. In DI, there as some sets that are straight-forward like sets based on line charts, bar charts etc. that are generally calculation intensive. If you are good with calculations in general, you need not spend a lot of time on these type of sets. Then there are other types of sets like games and tournaments, balancing quantities etc. that are more logic based and less calculation based. If you find that these are troubling you in mocks, you need to spend more time on these type of sets. On the whole, it is a good idea to solve at least 2-3 DI sets everyday in the last two months.
Check out a few of our DI tests here: https://cracku.in/cat/quotient/