Four friends - kishore, lokesh, mayank and neelam, from the same batch of ias have been working since very long in different states of india, namely-u. p., maharashtra and m. p. the number of years for have worked is an integral unit. the sums of the number of years spent in the three states together were distinct for the four friends. the sums of the number of years spent by the four friends together in the u. p., maharashtra and m. p. were 22, 26 and 26 respectively. no friend spent an equal number of years in any two states. no two friends spent an equal number of years in any states. it is also known that:
(i) the number of years spent by kishore and mayank in m. p were 8 and 2 respectively.
ii) the sum of the number of years spent in the three states together by mayank was not less than that of kishore.
(iii) the sum of the number of years spent in the three states together by lokesh was 30.
(iv) the absolute difference between the numbers of years spent by kishore in u. p.and the number of years spent by mayank in maharashtra was 4
(v) among the three states, neelam spent the least amount of time in maharashtra and the maxi- mum in m. p.
what is the difference in the number of year(s) spent by kishore in u. p. and maharashtra?
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 8 (d) 6 47.
what was the sum of the numbers of years spent by mayank in u. p., kishore in maharsahtra, lokesh in u. p. and neelam in m. p?
(a) 24 (b) 32 (c) 26 (d) 36 .
among the four friends, who spent the least amount of time in m. p and maharashtra? (a) mayank and neelam (6) lokesh and kishore (c) kishore and neelam (d) neelam and lokesh