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2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
Wow bro IIM A with 88... what a life!!! I need 99.9 for same...I wish I had a choice to choose my last name.
2 years, 6 months ago
With due Respect, @akshay forget about choosing a last name. some people dint not choose to at least touch people from some category, still, in 2022 you choose to insult some with your answer without responding to the doubt he has. that proves the reason to still have reservations. I would urge you to Kill Racism first then come to a talk about reservations. at least in our generation will try to respect each other irrespective of caste and race. at least our kids will live in a racism-free society. Hope you are preparing well and all the best for your exams brother
2 years, 6 months ago
With all due respect @Monoj just because of some practice , that is almost non existent today , our institutions have created such a huge bias , not only that the current system doesn't deliver reservation where it's needed , it has only created a vicious cycle of reservations being taken up by children of people who already enjoyed reservations , if you want reservation in today's day and age then it should only on the basis of financial condition of the family and not based on caste system.
2 years, 6 months ago
@Manoj bro I will not argue but I strongly disagree with you
2 years, 6 months ago
Bro Even for SC/ST you need 93-94 %ile i doubt who is giving IIMA at 88 %ile
2 years, 6 months ago
if you are from a category section and have an extremely good marks in 10+2 and ug as well and have a work ex (not mandatory) then u definitely have a fair chance.<br>