CAT 2024 Raw Score Vs Scaled Score Calculator

The CAT 2024 score vs scaled score tool helps you find your scaled score based on your raw score for each exam slot. The scaling is done according to the final CAT results announced by IIM Calcutta (or the conducting IIM for CAT 2024). Simply enter your section-wise raw scores to see how they have been scaled across different slots, ensuring a fair evaluation for all candidates.

Section Raw Score Scaled Score
Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3

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CAT Raw Score vs Scaled Score 2024

The CAT exam is your path to India’s top management colleges and uses a unique scoring system that includes CAT raw scores, CAT scaled scores, and a normalization process. Knowing the difference between the CAT raw score vs CAT scaled score is important to understand your performance and estimate your percentile accurately. This guide simplifies these scoring methods and shows how tools like Cracku's CAT Score Calculator can help you predict your score and percentile easily.

What is CAT Raw Score?

The CAT Raw Score is the total marks you earn in the exam based on your correct and incorrect answers. It is calculated directly using the following marking scheme:

  • +3 marks for each correct answer in MCQs.
  • +3 marks for each correct answer in non-MCQs (TITA).
  • -1 mark for each incorrect MCQ answer.
  • No penalty for incorrect non-MCQs.

For example, if you get 20 MCQs and 10 non-MCQs correct, and have 5 incorrect MCQs, your raw score would be:

(20 Ă— 3) + (10 Ă— 3) - (5 Ă— 1) = 60 + 30 - 5 = 85.

Why Does Raw Score Vary by Section?

The CAT exam is divided into three sections:

  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
  • Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)
  • Quantitative Ability (QA)

Each section has a different number of questions, which means your raw score will vary depending on how you perform in each section.

Also Read, CAT Exam Analysis, Last 5 Year Section-wise Paper Analysis

What is the CAT Scaled Score?

The CAT Scaled Score is your adjusted score after taking into account the difficulty level of your exam slot. This scaled score ensures that all candidates are evaluated fairly, no matter which slot they appeared in.

How Does Scaling Work in CAT?

Scaling adjusts raw scores by accounting for:

  • Slot difficulty:If one slot is harder than another, raw scores from that slot are adjusted upward.
  • Statistical techniques:Scores are scaled to ensure percentile equivalence across all slots.

For instance, if the average raw score in Slot 1 is lower because it had tougher questions, candidates from that slot might receive a higher scaled score to make up for the difficulty difference.

CAT Raw Score 2024 vs CAT Scaled Score 2024

The key difference between CAT raw score and CAT scaled score are how they are calculated and used. CAT raw score is the total marks you get based on your correct and incorrect answers, calculated using the exam's marking rules. On the other hand, the scaled score adjusts your raw score to account for differences in the difficulty levels of various exam slots, ensuring fair evaluation for everyone.

Raw scores and scaled scores often differ due to normalization. Here’s a comparison to illustrate:

Raw Score Scaled Score Reason for Adjustment
85 88 Adjusted for higher slot difficulty
75 78 Slot-based adjustment applied
65 65 No significant adjustment needed

Normalization can result in scores being scaled upward or downward depending on the difficulty level of the candidate’s exam slot.

Also Read, CAT Response Sheet 2024, Release Date, Download Link

What is the CAT Normalization Process?

The CAT normalization process is a statistical method that ensures all candidates are judged fairly, regardless of slot differences in exam difficulty.

Key Steps in Normalization:

  • Comparing Slots: Scores from different slots are analyzed to identify differences in difficulty.
  • Using a Formula: A mathematical formula, based on averages and standard deviations, adjusts raw scores.
  • Fair Weightage: All slots are treated equally, so no slot has an unfair advantage.

Normalization ensures that the final scores accurately reflect each candidate’s performance, regardless of the slot they were assigned.

How Does CAT Scaled Score Impact Percentile?

Your CAT scaled score is the main factor used to calculate your percentile, which measures your rank compared to other test-takers.

How Is CAT Percentile Calculated?

If 200,000 candidates take the CAT 2024 exam and your rank is 5,000, your percentile would be:

Percentile = [(200,000 - 5,000) / 200,000] Ă— 100 = 97.5%.

Why Does Scaled Score Matter for Percentiles?

A higher scaled score improves your percentile ranking. Since scaled scores adjust for slot difficulty, two candidates with the same raw score might have different percentiles if they took the exam in different slots.

CAT Score vs Percentile 2024 (Expected)

CAT score vs percentile 2024 is key to knowing your chances of getting into top MBA colleges. The scaled score is your adjusted score after normalization, ensuring fairness across different exam slots. Your percentile shows how you rank compared to other candidates.

Based on past trends the table gives an estimate of the CAT scaled score vs percentile 2024:-

%ile Overall VARC LRDI Quant
99.9 123 50.58 49.87 44.94
99.5 104.51 43.24 41.07 36.86
99 95.75 39.6 36.91 33.08
97 82.79 33.35 31.48 27.7
95 75.83 30.66 28.28 24.86
90 64.12 25.42 23.96 20.17
85 56.78 21.89 21.1 16.86
80 50.28 19 18.7 13.86
75 45.14 16.68 16.57 11.86
70 41.13 14.94 15.32 10.67

Note: These estimates may vary slightly based on the actual difficulty of CAT 2024.

How to Estimate CAT Scaled Score Using Cracku's Score Calculator?

Cracku’s CAT Scaled Score Calculator is a user-friendly tool that helps you estimate your scaled score and predict your percentile. Check below how to use cracku’s CAT Score Calculator:-

How to Use Cracku’s Calculator:

  1. Enter your raw scores for each section (VARC, DILR, QA).
  2. Provide details about your exam slot.
  3. The calculator uses normalization algorithms to estimate your scaled score.
  4. View your predicted scaled score and percentile range.

This tool is especially helpful for getting an idea of where you stand among other candidates and planning your next steps.


Understanding the difference between CAT Raw Score and Scaled Score, as well as the role of normalization, is important to interpreting your CAT 2024 performance. By using tools like Cracku’s CAT Scaled Score Calculator, you can get a clear estimate of your scaled score and percentile, helping you better prepare for the admissions process.

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