SBI Clerk Prelims cut off 2018 state wise – Expected Cut off for SBI Clerk Mains exam

SBI Clerk 2018 Expected Cutoff prelims mains Statewise
SBI Clerk 2018 Expected Cutoff prelims mains Statewise

SBI Clerk 2018 prelims result is out for the prelims exam conducted in 23rd, 24th, and 30th June 2018. The SBI Clerk prelims 2018 regional (state wise cut off for all the categories was released). In this article, let us see the SBI Clerk actual cut off 2018 for both the prelims exam.

SBI Clerk expected cut off 2018:

SBI Clerk online preparation can help aspirants to master the concepts in the short period available for the mains exam. SBI clerk previous year papers will help aspirants to know about the level and pattern of the mains 2018 exam. Also, SBI Clerk mains mock tests will help aspirants to keep track of their preparation from time to time.

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SBI Clerk Prelims Actual cut off 2018 – Statewise:

The pattern of the prelims exam has undergone an important change this year. SBI has introduced the sectional timings in the prelims examination. Each section had a sectional time limit of 20 minutes. This prevented aspirants from dedicating maximum time to the section of their choice to maximise their scores. SBI is looking for aspirants with a good overall score. Therefore, aspirants can no longer hide behind their strengths.

Check SBI Clerk Prelims 2018 Result here

There is no sectional cutoff this year in both prelims & mains exam.

find the actual cut off of SBI Clerk prelims result released on 24th June 2018

SBI Clerk Prelims 2018 state-wise Actual Cut off:

State name General OBC SC ST
Andhra Pradesh 71 71 64.75 57
Assam 51.25 50.25 46.25 46.75
Bihar 66.5 66.5 52.25 53.25
Chattisgarh 67.25 67.25 52.25 45.5
Delhi 71.75 66.25 64.75 55.25
Gujrat 57.5 57.5 57.5 39.75
Haryana 70.5 67 55.75 70.5
 Himachal Pradesh 68.75 58.5 55.25 56.5
 Jharkhand 57.75 57.75 38.75 38.5
 Karnataka  63.75 58 52.25 51.75
 Kerala 69 66.25 51 46
Madhya Pradesh 66.25 66.25 51 46
Maharastra 57 57 57 42.25
Meghalaya 50.75 50.75 50.75 46
Nagaland 57
Odisha 62.75 62.75 48.5 37.25
Punjab 71.5 65 58 71.5
Rajasthan 69
Tamilnadu 60 60 59 53
Telengana 68 68 59.25 59.5
Uttar Pradesh 69.25 65.5 54.5 46.75
Uttarakhand 71 66.25 61 59.5
West Bengal 71.5 65 58 71.5

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Let us look at previous year cutoffs of SBI clerk

SBI Clerk Previous year Cut off 2017:

SBI Clerk Prelims previous year cut off 2016-2017 exam:

States Gen OBC SC ST
Andhra Pradesh 39.25 39.25 39.25 10
Bihar 51.5 51.5 33.5 57.25
Chhattisgarh 22.5 22.5 9.5 9.25
Delhi /Haryana 66.25 50.75 56 10
Gujarat 42 42 42 28
Himachal Pradesh 57.5 57 42.75 48.25
Jharkhand 38.5 38.5 31.5 29.25
Madhya Pradesh 54.75 54.75 36.5 9
Maharashtra 51.5 51.5 51.5 24.5
Nagaland 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.75
Punjab 67.5 56.5 45 45
Rajasthan 64.5 64.5 53.5 25.5
Tamil Nadu 21.25 21.25 21.25 21
Uttar Pradesh 59 56.25 42.75 31.5
Uttarakhand 59.25 48.25 37.5 45.25
West Bengal 51.25 35.25 32 20.75

The cut off varies from state to state based on the number of vacancies available and the local talent pool. The cut offs were as low as 21.5 in some states and as high as 66.5 in some others. Therefore, as like we said aspirants must have shoot to score at least 70+ to be on the safer side.

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SBI Clerk prelims expected sectional cutoff:

There will be no sectional cutoff this year in the prelims exam.

The sectional cut off for the prelims exam in 2016-2017 of SBI clerk was as follows:

Subject Marks General Other categories
English language 30 6.75 3.25
Reasoning Ability 35 7.75 3.25
Numerical ability 35 5.5 2

SBI will shortlist aspirants for the mains exam based on the score of prelims. The prelims exam is of qualifying nature and the marks an aspirant scores in the prelims exam will not be used while preparing the final merit list.

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SBI clerk prelims – mains cut off 2017 state wise:

SBI clerk prelims was conducted in 2016, and in 2017, the exam was not conducted. So, the last year that SBI clerk exam was conducted was 2016-2017.

SBI Clerk Mains expected cut off 2018 exam:

Mains exam is the most important process in the entire selection procedure. The final merit list is prepared using the marks scored in the mains exam. Therefore, aspirants must do well in the mains exam to have a shot at the final selection.

As is the case with prelims exam, aspirants will be competing with candidates only from their state. Therefore, the cut off varies a lot depending on the number of vacancies in each state.

The cut off for final selection for the post of junior associate in SBI Clerk previous years mains exam (2016-2017) was as follows:

States General
Andhra Pradesh 128.5
Assam 124.5
Bihar 130.25
Chandigarh 121.75
Gujarat 122.5
Haryana 137
Himachal Pradesh 133.5
Jharkhand 127
Karnataka 117
Kerala 135.75
Madhya Pradesh 130.25
Maharashtra 123.5
Nagaland 115.75
Punjab 138.5
Rajasthan 136
Tamil Nadu 132
Telangana 123.25
Uttar Pradesh 132.25
Uttarakhand 133.5
West Bengal 131

As we can see, the cut off varied from 117 to 138.5.  Though there is no cutoff, the merit list will be prepared based on the marks only. So, candidates, to be on the safer side, aspirants must try to score at least 145 out of 200 provided the level of the exam remains comparable.

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SBI Clerk expected sectional Cutoff 2018 (Mains exam):

The sectional cut offs in 2016 were as follows:

Subjects Total General OBC/SC/ST
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 60 24 19
Quantitative Aptitude 50 14.5 11.25
General English 40 14.25 10.25
General / Financial Awareness 50 13.5 9.5

There will be no sectional cut offs in the mains exam too.

We hope that this article on SBI Clerk expected cut off 2018 would have helped you to have some idea about the score one must aim for. For more useful articles, try going through SBI Clerk 2018 notification pdf and English language questions for SBI Clerk exam.

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