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2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
is there enough time left to start lrdi from scratch. i m doing the same in varc, in quants i m able to tackle the arithmetic part about 6-7 questions with 5 questions right. But lrdi sucks...
2 years, 6 months ago
I am at the same preparation level. I think we can work on LRDI more. Because for VARC i guess getting 12-13 questions absolutely correct will fetch 98+? For that we need to attempt about 18-19 questions with 70% accuracy. I am currently working on giving mocks for LRDI and various quant questions to help me solve questions quicker
2 years, 6 months ago
I am at a similar level guys. I am feeling pretty confident in VARC at around 12 questions with 80 % accuracy. Also, I am aiming for around 1.5 correct sets in LRDI as of now since 2 correct sets would probably fetch you 90+ p.tile.
Please share with me any good quants strategy... even though i am from an engineering background, qunats is a nightmare.
2 years, 6 months ago
Sambhav I think it is. We need to work on it. Practicing 4-5 sets should be the target
2 years, 6 months ago
We need to find out strong areas in LRDI first and practice other topics too. Meanwhile other sections we need to keep on working .For me I'm comfortable with venn diagram, maxima minima and tables with missing values and arrangements to some extent.
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