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1 month ago
1 month ago
see you can spend time post mocks on those questions that looked tough to you . And definitely dont get stuck in some questions which are time sinks there is varc also to boost your score so out of 100 questions try getting many questions at one go(if you have mocks you can see my name DILR.... there i am answering using other id
1 month ago
@vanshika sry i dont know any yt channel name you can attempt di sets of cracku daily targets and their free solved questions .for more you can solve 1900s pyq of cat which had lot of di sets i guess they would have video solutions also maruti sir solving it .No yt channel can boost your speed other than practice.I start with quant move to lr(which i feel tougher because of cr questions) then go to di which is calculation based and then verbal where i do grammar questions very very fast not at all caring a lot abt accuracy cause i want to make out time for 5 q of reading comprehnesion which has easy questions.But you need to start with your strongest section to have good headstart
1 month ago
@santosh i am scoring as much score in verbal and LR i can but they are not enough if you have any suggestions of youtube channel which provide the tricks or if you know anything which will help to increase speed and accuracy please tell because in mocks i got stuck in many questions +taking too much time in the section..