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7 years, 6 months ago
7 years, 6 months ago
let P(A) be selection of 3 white balls and P(B) be selection of 3 black balls.
Lets us assume that in the first draw all the 3 balls are white.
So the probability for getting 3 black balls in the Second draw given 3 white balls obtained in first draw is P(B/A)=P(A/B)*P(B)/P(A)
But we have assumed the first draw. so the probablity of getting 3 white balls is P(A)
So total probability is P(B/A)*P(A)=(P(A/B)*P(B)/P(A))*P(A)=P(A/B)*P(B)=(5c3/10c3)*P(8c3/13c3)=7/429