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8 years, 10 months ago
8 years, 10 months ago
Let the volume of the container be V.
Volume of milk consumed by A = V/2 + 100
Volume of milk remaining in the container = V/2 - 100
Volume of milk consumed by B = (V/2 - 100)/2 + 100 = V/4 + 50
Volume of milk remaining in the container = V/2 - 100 - V/4 - 50 = V/4 - 150
So, volume of milk consumed by C = V/8 - 75 + 100 = V/8 + 25
Volume of milk remaining = V/4 - 150 - V/8 - 25 = V/8 - 175 = 0
=> V = 175 * 8 = 1400 ml
So, volume of milk consumed by A = 800 ml
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