Question 64

A train's average speed is 72 km/h but is reduced to 60 km/h due to stoppages. For how much time does the train stop in an hour?


A train's average speed is 72 km/h.

72 km inĀ 1 hour

72 km in 60 minutes

1 km in $$\frac{60}{72}$$Ā minutes

60 km in $$\frac{60}{72}\times60$$ minutes

60 km in 50 minutesĀ  Ā  Eq.(i)

Reduced speed because of stoppages =Ā 60 km/h

60 km in 1hour

60 km in 60 minutesĀ  Ā Ā Eq.(ii)

FromĀ Eq.(i), we can say that withoutĀ stoppages, the train can cover 60 km inĀ 50 minutes. But fromĀ Eq.(ii), we can say that withĀ stoppages, theĀ train can cover 60 km in 60 minutes. It means that there is aĀ stoppage of (60-50 = 10) minutes in each hour.

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