When 6892, 7105 and 7531 are divided by the greatest number x, then the remainder in each case is y. What is the value of (x - y)?
We have to find HCF of given numbers : 6892, 7105, 7531Â
7105 - 6892 = 213
7531 - 7105 = 426
426 - 213 = 213
So, Either the difference or the factor of difference is the HCF of those given number.Â
Here , 213 is the HCF.Â
When 6892, 7105, 7531 is divided by 213 we get 76 as an remainderÂ
So, x = 213 and y = 76Â
According to Question :Â
x - y = 213 - 76 = 137Â
Hence, Option B is correct. Â
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