RBI Grade B 11 Oct 2009


Study the following table carefully to answer the questions. Rate of Interest per cent per annum Offered by Five Companies on Deposits Different Schemes

Question 111

Mr. X deposited an amount in Scheme II with Company C for two years. After that he withdrew the amount and reinvested only the principal amount in Scheme IV of Company B for two years. Total amount of simple interest accrued from the two Schemes is Rs.14,800. What was the principal amount?

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Question 112

Company E offers compound interest under Scheme I and Company A offers simple interest under Scheme IV. What will be the difference between the interest earned under the Scheme I of Company E and Scheme IV of Company A respectively in two years on an amount of Rs. 1.2 lakhs ?

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Question 113

Company D offers compound interest under Scheme II and simple interest under Scheme IV. Abhijit invested Rs. 25,000 with this company under Scheme IV and after one year switched over to Scheme II along with the interest for one more year. What is the total amount he will get at the end of two years ?

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Question 114

Abhishek invested an amount of Rs.45,000 for two years with Company B under Scheme III which offers compound interest and Jeevan invested equal amount for two years with Company C under Scheme IV which offers simple interest. Who earned more interest and how much ?

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Question 115

Mr. Lal investesd Rs.30,000 in Company A under Scheme II which offers simple interest and Rs.48,000 in Company D under Scheme II which offers compound interest. What will be the total amount of interest earned by Mr. Lal in two years ?

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Study the following pie-charts and table to answer these questions.

Male – Female (M : F ) Ratio

Question 116

What is the difference between Graduate male population and XII Standard male population from State A ?

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Question 117

What is the ratio between Graduate female population of State E and Standard XII female population of State D respectively ?

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Question 118

Graduate female population of State C is what percent of the Standard XII female population of that state ?

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Question 119

Class XII male population of State C is what per cent of the total Standard XII population of all the States together ?

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Question 120

What is the ratio between Graduate male population of State E and Standard XII female population of that State respectively ?

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