Free IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2023 mock tests

IBPS RRB Assistant (Clerk) 2023 exam scheduled on August 2023. The RRB Clerk prelims examination will be in online test mode and will have 80 questions with a 45-minute time duration.

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IBPS RRB Clerk 2023 Online mock test series

There are 16 IBPS RRB Clerk mocks of the latest pattern and actual exam level with detailed solutions and analysis. At the end of every mock, national rank and detailed explanations are given. The first RRB Assistant mock is free for all students (after email and phone verification). These RRB Clerk mock tests are very similar to the actual exam. Practice these tests to crack RRB Assistant preliminary exam 2022

Latest Pattern IBPS RRB Clerk 2023 prelims mocks & test papers

The prelims exam has only two sections - Reasoning and Numerical Ability. The duration of the exam is 45 minutes. The RRB Clerk mains exam also has General awareness, English/Hindi and Computer knowledge along with the two sections that are in the prelims exam. All the mock tests of IBPS RRB Assistant are designed by experts and are in the latest pattern.

IBPS RRB Clerk Free Mock Tests in Hindi/English

We are providing Bilingual mock series for IBPS RRB Assistant. So, the mock tests can be taken in either of the languages (Hindi or English). The language can be selected while starting each of the IBPS RRB Clerk mock and solutions will also be available in that language.

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