
Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (IIM L)

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Rishabh Sethi


IIM Lucknow Admission: Getting into a prestigious institution like Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow is a dream for many MBA aspirants. But how does one crack the code and secure a seat in this esteemed institute? In this blog we will have a look on the criteria you need to fulfil for admission and the selection process that is followed from shortlisting till final selection of the candidate.

IIM Lucknow Admission Eligibility Criteria 

IIM Lucknow Admission Process (2025-2027)

Minimum Sectional and Total Cut-off Percentile for Shortlisting for WAT- PI Stage
General85858590 80808085 80808085
EWS77777782 72727277 72727277
NC-OBC77777782 72727277 72727277
SC55555565 55555565 55555560
ST50505060 50505055 50505055
PWD50505060 50505055 50505055

VARC=Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension; DILR=Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning; QA=Quantitative Ability

For MBA-SM, minimum work experience of 24 months is an additional criteria.

Also Read, IIM Lucknow Batch Profile


IIM Lucknow Selection Process 2025-2027

MBA offered by IIM-Lucknow is a post graduate level two year residential program designed to help students gain excellent managerial skills and become high level decision makers. The program equips them with specific skills in finance, accounting, marketing and operations. The selection process comprises of two stages- first the initial screening for WAT & PI round and then the final selection based on overall profile, CAT scores, WAT-PI scores and other factors. The two stages are discussed in detail ahead-

Shortlisting for Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI)

CAT score is the first gateway to IIM Lucknow. The aspiring candidates need to excel in this exam which assesses their quantitative, verbal and logical skills. The CAT score is an important component , often acting as initial filter in the selection process. Candidates are required to meet minimum cutoffs on both section wise and overall percentile as given in the table above.

Those who meet the minimum cutoffs as notified by the institute will be eligible for the next round. Based on their CAT scores and academic performance, candidates are shortlisted for Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview( PI). A composite score is calculated based on CAT scores, past academic performance, work experience and academic & gender diversity. The breakdown for the same is highlighted below-

ComponentsWeightage (MBA)Weightage (ABM)Weightage (SM)
Scaled CAT Score (CS)60%60%60%
HSC/ 12th Marks10%10%10%
Graduation Marks10%10%10%
Work Experience10%0%10%
Diversity Factor: Academic Discipline5%20%5%
Diversity Factor: Gender5%5%5%
Composite Score100%100100

The WAT assesses candidate's writing skills and ability to put up their thoughts on the given topic, while the PI evaluates their communication skills, personality and suitability for the program. This round will be conducted in following cities- Bangalore, Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow and Hyderabad.

Also Read, IIM Lucknow Placements

Sl. No. Component Weight (MBA) Weight (MBA-ABM) Weight (MBA-SM) Method of Scoring
1 Scaled CAT Score (CS) 60 60 60 CS = (Candidate's CAT score / Highest CAT score of 2024) × 60
2  HSC marks (12M) 10 10 10 12M = [{Max (P, 80) – 80}/20] x10,

where P = Candidate's Class 12th percentile computed

based on CAT applicants' pooled data of the past five
years for the respective Boards and Disciplines.
3 Graduation Marks 10 10 10 GM is normalized as per Academic Discipline: (i) Engineering; (ii) Science; (iii) Commerce; (iv) Arts; (v) Others. GM = [(Candidate's Grad Score - μ) / σ] × 10, where μ = Mean, and σ = Standard Deviation of the respective Academic Discipline. Marks will be between 0 – 10.
4 Work Experience 10 0 10 MBA: If x > 6 months, WE = min{(x – 6) × 0.50, 10}

MBA-SM: If x > 24 months, WE = min{(x – 24) × 0.50, 10}

Where x = Number of completed months of work experience as of July 31, 2024.
5a Academic Diversity Factor (DF) 5 20 5 MBA/MBA-SM: If bachelor's degree is Non-Engineering, DF = 5

MBA-ABM: If Academic Discipline listed in Table 3, DF = 20

Else, DF = 0
5b Gender Diversity (DF) 5 5 5 MBA/MBA-ABM/MBA-SM: If Gender = Female, DF = 5, else DF = 0
6 Composite Score 100 100 100

Final Selection

After the WAT-PI round, candidates are further evaluated based on parameters such as work experience, academic background, CAT scores, diversity factors and performance in the interview.

IIM Lucknow Final Selection
ParametersWeightage (MBA & MBA-SM)Weightage (MBA-ABM)
Academic Performance (12th + Graduation)5 + 55 + 5
Diversity Factor55
Work Experience5NA
Written Ability Test (WAT)1010
Personal Interview4040
Final Score100100

Thus, a final selection is made considering the overall performance of candidate in CAT, WAT-PI and other factors in table above. Once all the selection rounds are completed, a category-wise selection list is released on the official website. The candidates who get their name in the merit list become eligible for the admission. They can then secure and finalize their admission by paying the required admission fee as notified by the institute.

IIM Lucknow Admission FAQs

How much CAT score is required for IIM Lucknow?

The overall cutoff is 90 percentile, in addition you also need to get 85%ile individually in each section to get shortlisted.

What is the score required in 12th standard to get 10 points of academic weightage?

You must have 98% or more in your 12th standard in order to get full 10 points . Candidates with score less than 80% will be given 0 points in this section.

Does IIM Lucknow accept freshers?

Yes, having work work experience is not necessary for admission. However, those who have work experience gain an advantage in selection process and also during placements.

Does undergraduate internships count as work experience?

No, internships whether undergraduate or after graduation are not counted as work experience, only full time work done after graduation is considered as work experience.

What is the weightage given to CAT scores during shortlisting process and final selection?

CAT score holds 60% weightage during shortlisting for WAT-PI and 30% in final selections.