The CAT exam is one of India's most competitive exams, attracting thousands of candidates each year. It's crucial to use the best CAT study material that aligns with the latest CAT Exam syllabus. Quality preparation material not only helps you understand important concepts, but it also includes practice questions based on the actual exam condition. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced candidate, having access to CAT mock tests and CAT exam books is important for complete cat exam preparation.
It is important to break down your CAT study materials into three key categories: CAT Concept Books, CAT Practice Exercise Books, and CAT Sectional Tests & Mock Tests, when you are preparing for the Common Admission Test (CAT). The three sections of the CAT exam are Verbal Ability, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude. In order to help you enhance your skills in these areas, there are study materials designed specifically for each of the categories.
In this article we will discuss Cracku's different CAT study materials and how they will help you to prepare for CAT Exam preparation effectively.
Cracku is well-known among CAT aspirants for providing
reliable and well-structured CAT study materials. We offer free CAT
preparation materials that cover everything from basics
to advanced level preparation, ensuring that you have everything you need
for the exam. Our CAT study resources include a complete CAT syllabus, CAT
sample tests, previous year question questions, and complete formula sheets
to help you prepare effectively.
The material we provide is created by CAT toppers and experts, making it one of the most effective study materials available online. Whether you are looking for free CAT study materials or complete crash courses, Cracku has everything you need to succeed in your CAT preparation.
CAT Study Materials | ||
Selecting the right CAT study material is one of the most important factors in the cat exam journey. Here are a few suggestions to help you select the best study resources.
Preparing for the CAT requires discipline, dedication, and the right resources. A complete CAT preparation strategy can be completed by utilizing the best books, notes, and mock tests, with other CAT exam study material. Whether you are looking for some of the best CAT study material online, make sure to check the quality of the sources and stick to a study plan that works for you.
On Cracku, you can find all this material including the previous year's actual CAT tests and daily targets to build consistency.
You can find the free CAT study material on Cracku. You can download the download concepts’ PDFs of all three sections i.e. VARC, DILR & QA. Not only that, but you can also attempt free concept-wise tests that have high-quality questions.
There are several study materials for CAT out there available for you. Some popular choices include "How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT" by Arun Sharma, "Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT" by Nishit K. Sinha, and "Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis for verbal ability. Additionally, you can also choose online study material such as mock tests, practice questions, and study guides to be helpful in your preparation.
There are no fixed hours that a student must study. It depends on the learning style and goal of the aspirant. However, if you want to score high percentile, you should at least study for 4-8 hours in a day including a mock.