CAT Score Calculator 2024

Simply upload your response sheet, and our CAT Score calculator will seamlessly process your responses, meticulously considering both correct and incorrect answers. This detailed analysis will provide you with a breakdown of your sectional scores (VARC, DILR, and QA) and an overall score, giving you a clear picture of your performance.

How to check CAT score 2024?

  • 1

    Login to CAT 2024 official website

  • 2 Click on "Candidate Response" and copy the response sheet link
  • 3 Paste the link in the text box above and click on Submit
Check CAT 2024 Toppers List

CAT 2024 Toppers List Analysis

Based on the response sheets received for CAT 2024, we have compiled statistics about the scores in each slot. These statistics will help us understand the general trends of the difficultly level of each slot across. In total we got 85617 responses, of which 29760 are for Slot 1, 28339 are for Slot 2, 27518 are for Slot 3.

For each section we have compiled the following stats: Mean, Median and Maximum across all the slots. The Mean and Median serve as proxy measurements for the difficulty level of that particular slot.

We have also plotted the score vs percentile graphs based on the responses that we have received till now for all the slots. In the plot, the slots which are below the other slots are more easy. i.e. for a given raw score, that percentile will be higher for the slots which are on the top

VARC Analysis

cracku logo Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Mean 14.29 14.35 12.81
Median 13.0 13.0 11.0
Max Score 68.0 61.0 60.0
Total Responses 29760 28339 27518

LRDI Analysis

cracku logo Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Mean 17.37 13.09 11.63
Median 17.0 12.0 11.0
Max Score 66.0 66.0 63.0
Total Responses 29760 28339 27518

Quants Analysis

cracku logo Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Mean 9.63 8.05 11.26
Median 8.0 6.0 10.0
Max Score 60.0 60.0 63.0
Total Responses 29760 28339 27518

Question wise analysis

Q. No. Question #Correct #Incorrect #Skipped Difficulty
Which one of the following options does NOT represent the characteristics of the western barred bandicoot?

% % % Medium
Which one of the following statements provides a gist of this passage?

% % % Medium
The text uses the word


because Wild Deserts has adopted a measure of

% % % Medium
According to the text, the western barred bandicoots now have a flattering name because they have

% % % Medium
We can infer from the passage that medieval crafts guilds resembled mass production in that both

% % % Medium
The author questions the ability of crafts to create substantial employment opportunities presently because

% % % Medium
The most recent revival in interest in the crafts is a result of the emergence of all of the following EXCEPT:

% % % Medium
Which one of the following statements is NOT inconsistent with the views stated in the passage?

% % % Medium
Q.9 The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.

Certain codes may, of course, be so widely distributed in a specific language community or culture, and be learned at so early an age, that they appear not to be constructed – the effect of an articulation between sign and referent – but to be ‘naturally’ given. Simple visual signs appear to have achieved a ‘near-universality’ in this sense: though evidence remains that even apparently ‘natural’ visual codes are culture specific. However, this does not mean that no codes have intervened; rather, that the codes have been profoundly naturalized. The operation of naturalized codes reveals not the transparency and ‘naturalness’ of language but the depth, the habituation and the near-universality of the codes in use. They produce apparently ‘natural’ recognitions. This has the (ideological) effect of concealing the practices of coding which are present.
% % % Medium
Q.10 There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: Understanding central Asia’s role helps developments make more sense not only across Asia but in Europe, the Americas and Africa.

Paragraph: The nations of the Silk Roads are sometimes called ‘developing countries’, but they are actually some of the world’s most highly developed countries, the very crossroads of civilization, in advanced states of disrepair. ___(1)___. These countries lie at the centre of global affairs: they have since the beginning of history. Running across the spine of Asia, they form a web of connections fanning out in every direction, routes along which pilgrims and warriors, nomads and merchants have travelled, goods and produce have been bought and sold, and ideas exchanged, adapted and refined. ___(2)___ .They have carried not only prosperity, but also death and violence, disease and disaster. ___(3)___. The Silk Roads are the world’s central nervous system, connecting otherwise far-flung peoples and places…. ___(4)___. It allows us to see patterns and links, causes and effects that remain invisible if one looks only at Europe, or North America.
% % % Medium
Which one of the following statements, if true, would best invalidate the main argument of the passage?

% % % Medium
Which one of the following statements about art best captures the arguments made in the passage?

% % % Medium
Which of the following statements is suggested by the sentence “Back then, at least, cinema was defined by its ephemerality: the sense that a film was as good as gone once it left your local cinema”?

% % % Medium
“Netflix had begun editing old episodes of Stranger Things to retroactively improve their visual effects.” What is the purpose of this example used in the passage?

% % % Medium
Q.15 Five jumbled up sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd sentence and key in the number of that sentence as your answer.

1. Urbanites also have more and better options for getting around: Uber is ubiquitous; easy-to-rent dockless bicycles are spreading; battery-powered scooters will be next.
2. When more people use buses or trains the service usually improves because public-transport agencies run more buses and trains.
3. Worsening services on public transport, terrorist attacks in some urban metros and a rise in fares have been blamed for this trend.
4. It seems more likely that public transport is being squeezed structurally as people’s need to travel is diminishing as a result of smartphones, video-conferencing, online shopping and so on.
5. There has been a puzzling decline in the use of urban public transport in many countries in the west, despite the growth in urban populations and rising employment.
% % % Medium
Q.16 There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: The brain isn’t organized the way you might set up your home office or bathroom medicine cabinet.

Paragraph: ___(1)___. You can’t just put things anywhere you want to. The evolved architecture of the brain is haphazard and disjointed, and incorporates multiple systems, each of which has a mind of its own. ___(2)___. Evolution doesn’tdesignthings and it doesn’t build systems—itsettles onsystems that, historically, conveyed a survival benefit. There is no overarching, grand planner engineering the systems so that they work harmoniously together. ___(3)___. The brain is more like a big, old house with piecemeal renovations done on every floor, and less like new construction. ___(4)___.
% % % Medium
Q.17 Five jumbled up sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd sentence and key in the number of that sentence as your answer.

1. Animals have an interest in fulfilling their basic needs, but also in avoiding suffering, and thus we ought to extend moral consideration.
2. Singer viewed himself as a utilitarian, and presents a direct moral theory concerning animal rights, in contrast to indirect positions, such as welfarist views.
3. He argued for extending moral consideration to animals because, similar to humans, animals have certain significant interests.
4. The event that publicly announced animal rights as a legitimate issue within contemporary philosophy was Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation text in 1975.
5. As such, we ought to view their interests alongside and equal to human interests, which results in humans having direct moral duties towards animals.
% % % Medium
Q.18 There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: Comprehending a wide range of emotions, Renaissance music nevertheless portrayed all emotions in a balanced and moderate fashion.
Paragraph: A volume of translated Italian madrigals were published in London during the year of 1588. This sudden public interest facilitated a surge of English Madrigal writing as well as a spurt of other secular music writing and publication. ___(1)___. This music boom lasted for thirty years and was as much a golden age of music as British literature was with Shakespeare and Queen Elizabeth I. ___(2)___. The rebirth in both literature and music originated in Italy and migrated to England; the English madrigal became more humorous and lighter in England as compared to Italy. Renaissance music was mostly polyphonic in texture. ___(3)___. Extreme use of and contrasts in dynamics, rhythm, and tone colour do not occur. ___(4)___. The rhythms in Renaissance music tend to have a smooth, soft flow instead of a sharp, well-defined pulse of accents.

% % % Medium
Q.19 The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.

Cartographers design and create maps to communicate information about phenomena located somewhere on our planet. In the past, cartographers did not worry too much about who was going to read their maps. Although some simple “usability” research was done—like comparing whether circle or bar symbols worked best—cartographers knew how to make maps. This has changed now, however, due to all kinds of societal and technological developments. Today, map readers are more demanding—mostly because of the tools they use to read maps. Cartographers, who are also influenced by these trends, are now more interested in seeing if their products are efficient, effective, and appreciated.
% % % Medium
The author critiques Schiller’s approach to behavioural economics for

% % % Medium
We can infer from the passage that the term '‘homo economicus” refers to someone who

% % % Medium
In the first paragraph the author is making the point that economists like Becker

% % % Medium
“Times have changed for the once almighty discipline.” We can infer from this statement and the associated paragraph that the author is being

% % % Medium
Q.24 The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.

Scientific research shows that many animals are very intelligent and have sensory and motor abilities that dwarf ours. Dogs are able to detect diseases such as cancer and diabetes and warn humans of impending heart attacks and strokes. Elephants, whales, hippopotamuses, giraffes, and alligators use low-frequency sounds to communicate over long distances, often miles. Many animals also display wide-ranging emotions, including joy, happiness, empathy, compassion, grief, and even resentment and embarrassment. It’s not surprising that animals share many emotions with us because we also share brain structures, located in the limbic system, that are the seat of our emotions.
% % % Medium

B-School Call Predictor

CAT 2024 Score Calculator From Response Sheet

Cracku's CAT Score Calculator 2024 will help you to predict your score and anticipate your percentile before the official results are released. Using Cracku's reliable and accurate score calculator, you can get real-time insights into your performance, which will help you to find out your position among other candidates, and even anticipate your chances of receiving interview calls from major IIM Colleges.

This guide will show you how you can use Cracku's CAT Score Calculator, review your CAT response sheet 2024, and understand how your predicted percentile will affect your IIM applications.

What is CAT Score Calculator?

Cracku's CAT score calculator is an easy tool that helps students to calculate their raw scores and predict their percentiles well before the official CAT results are out. The tool estimates your overall score based upon your section-specific scores in Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA). The CAT score calculator can then predict your percentile and even provide information about your chances of getting calls from top IIMs by analyzing historical trends.

How does Cracku’s CAT Score Calculator work?

  • Correct answers earn you 3 marks each.
  • Incorrect answers for multiple-choice questions (MCQs) incur a penalty of -1 mark.
  • Unattempted questions do not affect your score.
  • TITA Questions: No -ve marking

Cracku's score calculator considers these factors and compares your raw score to past exam results and gives you a percentile prediction. This allows you to plan your next steps carefully, long before the official results.

Also check, CAT Exam Analysis

How to Use Cracku’s CAT Score Calculator 2024

Using Cracku’s CAT score calculator is straightforward. Follow these steps to get the most accurate results:

  1. Access the Calculator: Visit Cracku’s website and open the score calculator tool for 2024.
  2. Input Your Response Sheet link: Go to your response sheet on IIM official website -> Copy the link (URL) and paste it in the enter URL section on score calculator
  3. View the Results: The calculator will display your estimated raw score.
  4. Check Percentile Prediction: Use Cracku’s CAT percentile predictor to convert your raw score into an estimated percentile.
  5. Analyze and Plan: Compare your predicted percentile with the cutoff trends of different IIMs and other B-schools.
  6. Prepare for Next Steps: Based on your percentile, start preparing for interviews, group discussions, or consider backup options.

Cracku’s CAT score calculator and percentile predictor are essential tools for anyone serious about making the most of their CAT results.

Also Check, How To Use CAT Score Calculator

CAT Response Sheet 2024

Your CAT response sheet 2024 is an important tool in determining your expected score. After you complete the CAT exam, IIM will release your response sheet, which will include both the answers you provided during the exam and the correct answers from the official answer key. This document will help you analyze your performance, highlight areas where you performed well, and to understand your faults. Generally, it is released within 2-3 days after CAT

To use Cracku’s CAT Score Calculator effectively, you will need to:

  • Cross-check your answers with the official answer key.
  • Tally your correct and incorrect responses for each section.
  • Input these details into Cracku’s score calculator for a fast and accurate score estimate.

Using the response sheet to calculate your raw score allows you to have a better understanding of your performance and prepare for the next stage of your MBA journey, whether it is retaking the exam or preparing for interviews.

CAT Score vs Percentile 2024 (Expected)

One of the most common questions CAT aspirants ask is how their CAT score translates into a CAT percentile. Understanding this relationship is crucial because, while your score reflects the number of questions you answered correctly, your percentile measures how you performed relative to other candidates.

Using historical data, Cracku’s CAT percentile predictor can give you a reasonable estimate of your percentile based on your raw score. Here’s a general guide to CAT score vs percentile 2024.

%ile Overall VARC LRDI Quant

These figures are based on trends from previous years, and while they offer a good estimation, the actual percentile for 2024 might vary depending on the difficulty level of the exam and the overall performance of candidates. Cracku’s CAT Score Calculator 2024 uses sophisticated algorithms and past data to give you an accurate percentile prediction, ensuring you’re well-prepared for what’s ahead.

How Does Cracku’s CAT Percentile Predictor Work?

Cracku’s CAT percentile predictor uses advanced data models to estimate your percentile based on the raw scores you input. By analyzing the performance of thousands of test-takers from previous years, Cracku’s tool provides a reliable estimate of your percentile, which is essential for predicting your chances of receiving interview calls from IIMs.

Here’s how the CAT percentile predictor works:

  1. Input your section-wise scores: Enter your CAT raw scores for VARC, DILR, and QA.
  2. Weightage across sections: Each section contributes equally to your final percentile, so strong performance in all sections is key.
  3. Historical comparison: Cracku’s tool compares your score with historical trends to estimate your percentile.
  4. Estimated percentile: Once calculated, you’ll receive an estimated percentile that reflects your relative performance.

With this information in hand, you’ll have a clearer understanding of your standing and can begin planning for the next phase of the admissions process.

CAT Score Prediction: How to Estimate Your Final Percentile with Cracku

While Cracku’s CAT score calculator provides an accurate estimate of your raw score, the final percentile depends on several variables. Here’s what influences your final percentile:

  • Overall performance of all candidates: If the CAT exam in 2024 is tougher, a lower raw score could still result in a high percentile.
  • Sectional cutoffs: Each section has its own difficulty level, and these cutoffs will influence your sectional percentile.
  • Score normalization: The CAT exam is conducted in multiple shifts, so scores are normalized to ensure fairness across different exam sessions.

Using Cracku’s CAT percentile predictor in combination with the score calculator ensures that you have a reliable estimate of your final results, helping you better plan for your MBA admission strategy.

CAT 2024 Slotwise Difficulty Analysis







Moderate - Difficult


Easy - Moderate







VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) was consistent in all the test sections, with 4 Reading Comprehension passages and 8 Verbal Ability questions. They also included the "Odd One Out" format again. Each Reading Comprehension passage was similar in difficulty to those in the CAT 2022 VARC Section. All the three slots of DILR (Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning) section were equally manageable, with two doable sets. However, in the QA (Quantitative Aptitude) section of Slot 3, the questions were considered the toughest. They were a bit longer, more tricky, and involved more complex calculations, making them more time-consuming. Overall, considering all aspects, Slot 3 is the most challenging.

Frequently Asked Questions