Most Important Topics For CAT 2023 (Section-wise)

most important topics for CAT 2023
most important topics for CAT 2023

With the CAT 2023 exam only five months away, it is an opportune moment to commence CAT preparation, even for students with below-average performance. Many aspirants have already begun their preparations using their own strategies. It is crucial for every aspirant to have a clear understanding of the key topics within each section of the CAT 2023 syllabus before devising a preparation strategy. This article will delve into the essential topics for CAT 2023 preparation in each section.

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Before going to look at the important topic for CAT 2023, let us see the exam pattern in detail.

CAT 2023 Exam Pattern

Verbal Ability 40 minutes 24
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning 40 minutes 20
Quantitative Ability 40 minutes 22
Overall 120 minutes 66

The examination will consist of a total of 66 questions, with each correct answer being rewarded 3 marks. However, for each incorrect answer, a penalty of -1 mark will be imposed. Additionally, there will be Type-in-the-answer (TITA) questions, where the marking scheme is +3 marks for a correct answer, and there is no negative marking for incorrect answers. Unattempted questions will not be awarded any marks.

Important Topics For CAT 2023

While we understand that cracking the CAT exam can be challenging, it is not impossible. With a clear understanding of the crucial topics within each section, one can devise an effective preparation strategy and excel in the examination. Let us look into a detailed exploration of the most significant topics from each section of the CAT 2023 syllabus.

Important Topics In VARC Section

Verbal ability is considered one of the sections with higher scoring potential, making it relatively easier. However, it is crucial to concentrate on enhancing reading skills during preparation. Let’s explore the essential topics within verbal ability:

  • Reading Comprehension: The VARC section in the CAT exam places significant emphasis on Reading Comprehension (RC). Achieving success in this section requires enhancing one’s reading abilities. It is highly recommended to cultivate a habit of reading newspapers, editorials, articles, and other relevant materials during the preparation phase. When engaging with an RC passage, it is essential to comprehensively grasp the meaning and significance of each phrase. A common mistake made by many aspirants is skimming through the passage without proper understanding and directly proceeding to the questions. It is crucial to avoid this approach and ensure a thorough understanding of the RC passage before attempting the associated questions.
  • Para Summary: Para summary is undeniably one of the pivotal topics within the VARC section. Mastering reading comprehension plays a crucial role in excelling in this area, enabling you to effectively tackle questions related to para summary.
  • Para Jumbles & Odd one out: Improving reading abilities and cultivating a diverse perspective on various issues are crucial factors for achieving proficiency in these significant topics. To excel in the verbal ability section, it is highly recommended to practice a greater number of Reading Comprehension (RC) exercises.

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Important Topics In the DILR Section

Considering CAT’s departure from traditional DILR sets, it is crucial to focus on practising non-traditional types of sets. The sets now encountered are predominantly logic-based and comparatively less data-intensive. Aspirants can enhance their logical reasoning skills by engaging in puzzles and other unconventional problem-solving exercises. The key to excelling in this section lies in practising a diverse range of questions to build resilience and overcome fatigue. The following topics are of utmost importance to practice while preparing for CAT 2023.

  • Arrangements
  • Games and Tournaments
  • Puzzles
  • Venn diagrams (maxima-minima)
  • Quantitative LR
  • Spider charts; Graphs & charts

Important Topics In The Quantitative Aptitude Section

Quantitative Aptitude is a highly rewarding section, and it is advisable for aspirants to thoroughly understand and grasp the fundamental concepts before practising. Building a strong foundation in the basics is essential. Once the basics are clear, aspirants can proceed to practice problems related to the most important topics within the Quant section.

  • Arithmetics: Within the quant section, this topic holds significant importance, with a higher likelihood of encountering a greater number of questions. It presents an opportunity to achieve higher accuracy due to its simplicity and comprehensibility. Arithmetics, as we know, encompasses a diverse range of topics, which are listed below.
  1. Ratio & Proportions
  2. Average & Percentages
  3. Simple & Compound Interest
  4. Time, Speed & Distance
  5. Time & Work
  • Algebra: This topic is equally important and falls under the category of easy topics in the Quant section. To prepare for the CAT exam, it is essential to focus on the key topics in algebra, including linear equations, quadratic equations, polynomials, and more. These topics offer the opportunity to achieve a high level of accuracy, with expectations of near-perfect performance.
  • Geometry: Lastly, but certainly not of lesser importance, Geometry emerges as one of the pivotal topics within the quant section. Geometry can be broadly categorized into two parts: solids, such as cones, cylinders, spheres, etc., and 2D Geometry, which includes shapes like triangles, circles, squares, and more. It is crucial to have a solid understanding of the theorems associated with Geometry. While expecting 100 percent accuracy may not be realistic, it is advisable to practice extensively. There is no substitute for improving one’s Geometry skills, as it plays a significant role in achieving a high percentile in the CAT exam.
  • Modern Mathematics: Additionally, this is another topic which may not carry as much significance, but it is advisable to have a basic understanding. We can expect 3 to 4 questions from this topic. It is worth noting that some easy questions related to Modern Mathematics may appear in the examination.

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