Question 71

The area of a square shaped field is 1764 m$$^2$$. The breadth of a rectangular park is $$\frac{1}{6}$$th of the side of the square field and the length is four times its breadth. What is the cost (in ₹) of levelling the park at ₹30 per m$$^2$$ ?


Let the side of the square shaped field = a

The area of square shaped field is 1764 m$$^2$$

a$$^2$$ = 1764

a = 42 m

Side of the square shaped field = a = 42 m

The breadth of a rectangular park is $$\frac{1}{6}$$th of the side of the square field.

Breadth of the rectangular park = $$\frac{1}{6}\times$$42 = 7 m

The length is four times its breadth.

Length of the rectangular park = 4 x 7 = 28 m

Area of the rectangular park = length x breadth

= 28 x 7

= 196 m$$^2$$

The cost (in ₹) of levelling the park at ₹30 per m$$^2$$ = 196 x 30

= ₹5880

Hence, the correct answer is Option A

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