Question 70

Study the following table and answer question. 

Number of students appeared in an examination from five cities:

The total number of students who appeared in the examination from cities C and D is what percent more than the total number of students who failed in cities A, B and E? (nearest to an integer)


Total number of students who appeared in the examination from cities C and D (in thousands) = $$84+96=180$$

Total number of students who failed in cities A, B and E (in thousands)

= $$(\frac{4}{9}\times54)+(\frac{3}{7}\times126)+(\frac{5}{11}\times132)$$

= $$24+54+60=140$$

$$\therefore$$ Required % = $$\frac{(180-140)}{140}\times100$$

= $$\frac{400}{14}\approx30\%$$

=> Ans - (B)

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