Question 66

Leena, Nitin, Arun and Mohan crossed a lake in a canoe that could hold only two persons. The Canoe held two persons on each of three forward trips across the lake and one person on each of two return trips. Leena was unable to paddle when someone else was in the canoe with her. Nitin was unable to paddle when anyone else except Arun was in the canoe with him. Each person paddle continuously for at least one trip. Who paddled twice?


On the first trip, Nitin and Arun crossed the river with Nitin paddling the canoe.

Arun came back alone with the canoe.

On the second trip, Arun and Leena crossed the river, with Arun paddling.

Leena came back alone in the canoe.

On the last trip, Leena and Mohan crossed the river, with Mohan paddling.

Thus, Arun is the only one who paddled twice.

Hence, the answer is option D.

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