Question 56

There was a party organized and the following members attended the party : Sheela, Amruta, Rohit, Rahul, Ajey, Ranveer and Gauri. Sheela is mother-in-law of Amruta, who is sister-in-law of Rohit. Rahul is the father of Ajey. Ajey is the brother of Rohit. Ranveer is the only brother of Rahul and the father-in-law of Gauri. Gauri was married to Rohit. How is Sheela related to Ranveer ?


If Sheela is the mother-in-law of Amruta and Amruta is the sister-in-law of Rohit, this means that Sheela is the mother of Rohit.

If Ranveer is the father-in law of Gauri and Gauri is married to Rohit, this means that Ranveer is the father of Rohit.

Therefore, we can understand that Sheela is the wife of Ranveer.

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