Question 39

Select the figure that will come next in the following figure series.


From the first box, two objects from the left end are moved and placed on the right side in the second box. Similarly, from the second box, two objects from the left end are moved and placed on the right side of the third box. This logic will be gone so on..

As per the above-given logic, from the fourth box diamond and triangle will be moved to the right side in the fifth box. Options (a) and (c) can be eliminated by this logic.

From the first box, the square is moved diagonally and placed in the second box. From the second box, the circle is moved diagonally and placed in the third box. From the third box, the triangle is moved diagonally and placed in the fourth box. From the fourth box, the star is moved diagonally and placed in the fifth box.

In option (b), star is not on the correct place. So this can be eliminated. Hence option (d) is the correct answer.

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