Question 116

A person bought 76 cows and sold 20 cows at 15% profit, 40 cows at 19% profit and remaining 16 cows at 25% profit and got a profit of Rs. 6570 as a whole. The cost price of each cow is


Let cost price of each cow = $$100x$$

Profit on first 20 cows = 15%

=> Profit amount = $$\frac{15}{100} * 100x * 20 = 300x$$

Profit on next 40 cows = 19%

=> Profit amount = $$\frac{19}{100} * 100x * 40 = 760x$$

Profit on last 16 cows = 25%

=> Profit amount = $$\frac{25}{100} * 100x * 16 = 400x$$

=> Total profit = $$300x+760x+400x = 6570$$

=> $$x = 4.5$$

Cost price of each cow = 4.5*100 = 450

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