SSC CPO 4th Oct 2023 Shift 3


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 21

In a certain code language, โ€œGBTAโ€ is coded as โ€œ24โ€ and โ€œZWQVIโ€ is coded as โ€œ30โ€.
How will โ€œDLUCPRโ€ be coded in that language?

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Question 22

In this question, three statements are given, followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follows/follow from the statements.

I. Some rooms are cages.
II. Some cages are enclosures.
III. All enclosures are houses.

I. Some houses are cages.
II. All rooms are enclosures.

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Question 23

If the given sheet is folded to form a cube, which of the given figures are possible?
(The numbers are shown to indicate the sides only.)


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Question 24

If โ€˜$$+$$โ€™ means โ€˜$$-โ€™, โ€˜-$$โ€™ means โ€˜$$\timesโ€™, โ€˜\times$$โ€™ means โ€˜$$\divโ€™, โ€˜\div$$โ€™ means โ€˜$$+$$โ€™, then what will come in place
of the question mark (?) in the following equation?
$$14 - 7 \div 42 \times 6 + 33 = ?$$

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Question 25

A paper is folded and cut as shown below. How will it appear when unfolded?


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Question 26

Two statements are given, followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.

All kids are small.
Some funny are kids.

I) Some funny are small.
II) Some small are kids.

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Question 27

Select the option that represents the correct order of the given words as they would appear in an English dictionary?

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Question 28

The sequence of folding a piece of paper and the manner in which the folded paper is cut is shown in the following figures. How would this paper look when unfolded?


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Question 29

Two different positions of the same dice are shown, the six faces of which are numbered from 1 to 6. Select the number that will be on the face opposite to the one showing '4'.


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Question 30


Whale : Mammal :: Crocodile : ?

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