SSC CPO 4th Oct 2023 Shift 3


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 11

Sona goes to a park every day for walking. One morning, she started walking from her home and walked 40 km towards the north. Then she turned to the right and walked 60 km. Again, she turned right and walked 40 km. Lastly, she took a left turn and walked 60 km. In which direction and how far is she from her home?

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Question 12

Which of the following numbers will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?
3, 5, 7, 12, 37, 69, 357, ?

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Question 13

Three Statements are given followed by Three conclusions numbered I, II and III.
Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.

All plains are mountains.
No sea is a mountain.
Some valleys are seas.

I. Some valleys are plains.
II. No valley is a mountain.
III. No sea is a plain.

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Question 14

Select the option that represents the letters that, when placed from left to right in the
blanks below, will complete the letter series.

P _ R R _ P Q _ _ S _ Q R _ S P _ R R S

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Question 15

If A denotes โ€˜$$+$$โ€™, B denotes โ€˜$$\times$$โ€™, C denotes โ€˜$$โˆ’$$โ€™, and D denotes โ€˜$$\div$$โ€™, then what will be the value of the following equation?
16 B 5 A 112 D 8 C 32 = ?

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Question 16

Six students Shree, Dayal, Sharda, Tripti, Shrishti and Manju are sitting around a circular table facing the centre (not necessarily in the same order). Shree is an immediate neighbour of both Dayal and Tripti. Manju is sitting second to the right of Dayal. Shrishti is an immediate neighbour of both Manju and Tripti. Who is an immediate neighbour of Sharda?

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Question 17

Select the option that is related to the fourth term in the same way as the first term is related to the second term and the fifth term is related to the sixth term.
2 : 26 :: ? : 152 :: 27 : 1026

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Question 18

Select the figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the following figure series.


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Question 19

Select a suitable figure from the answer figures which would replace the question mark (?).


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Question 20

If โ€˜$$+$$โ€™ means โ€˜$$โˆ’โ€™, โ€˜โˆ’$$โ€™ means โ€˜$$\timesโ€™, โ€˜\times$$โ€™ means โ€˜$$\div$$โ€™ and โ€˜$$\div$$โ€™ means โ€˜$$+$$โ€™, what will come in place of
โ€˜?โ€™ in the following equation?
$$83 \div 12 - 65 \times 13 + 47 = ?$$

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