SSC CGL Tier l 2023 Question Paper Shift 1 (July 18th)


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 71

Let A, B, C be the mid-points of sides PQ, QR PR, respectively, of $$\triangle PQR$$. If the area of $$\triangle PQR$$ is 32 $$cm^{2}$$, then find the area of $$\triangle ABC$$.

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Question 72

Two concentric circles of radii 15 cm and 13 cm are given. Find the length of the chord of the larger circle which touches the smaller circle.

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Question 73

On purchase of articles worth ₹10,000, a shopkeeper offers a flat discount of ₹500 to his customers. Further, by shopping using a credit card, he gives an additional discount of 7%. If a customer purchases article worth Rs.10,000 using a credit card, then how much is he/she required to pay?

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Question 74

If $$\tan \frac{A}{2} = x$$, then find x.

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Question 75

Two circles of radii 10 cm and 5 cm touch each other externally at a point A. PQ is the direct common tangent of those two circles of centres $$O_{1}$$ and $$O_{2}$$. respectively. The length of PQ is equal to:

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Question 76

Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined word in the given sentence.

Last week's rain ravaged the whole city.

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Question 77

Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence.

National development is defined as an improvement in people's daily arrangements, the provision of fundamental necessities to citizens such as food, education, social services, medical help, and so on, as well as an increase in per capita income.

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Question 78

Select the word with the correct spelling from the options given below to fill in the blank.

They saw the beautiful ____________ of the Gods in the Temples.

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Question 79

Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined words in the given sentence.

The traffic sergeant proved through the test that Raj was under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

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Question 80

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.
He does not buy shirts.

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